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Relationships, Careers and Professions

Selfishness? Or the ability to look into the future at Selflessness… Hmmm

Modern times are weird, fun and exciting. Opportunities pop up and they bust. Technology has decreased this wide, wide world of ours and more and more often, relationships are not able to follow traditional rules of yesteryear. LIFE IS HAPPENING and you have to learn to examine your personal and professional life, weigh the circumstances and just do you. Personal factors will undoubtedly expose a level or layer of selfishness which you have to face head-on and analyse whether this immediate selfishness will actually end up being selflessness in the future.

Marriage and partnerships bring about an almost undeniable conjoined-at-the-hip mentality, where one leads the other must follow, and not just follow in a little while or at a slower gander, but at the same clip at which the leading mate is going. Insurmountably, and almost understandably it was the female enterprise of any relationship that had to give up friends and family to move to new environs, with haste, whether or not she wished to, because that was her role – the follower. Maybe it was in the days were males were the main financial provider and they had no choice but to go, but it was also the emotional hold of a relationship and of society that maintained that a woman had to follow her husband and effectively always be the main caretaker of the children, home and kitchen. Years of such attitudes have led women to feel repressed and quite rightly so. Why is one person’s dreams and successes more important than the other? What is this care taking role business?

Obviously, this is a very broadminded manner in which to deal with these thoughts. We haven’t even talked about emotions and feelings and circumstances, changing times or mechanical and technological advances. Because we humans continue to understand and express our emotions and generations continue to evolve and change, partnerships are no longer only defined as man-woman, and this notion has helped to decrease the male dominance in any relationship and actually promote more equality amongst the masses. (We still have a ways to go). Technology has provided a unique bridge for relationships to be more able to withstand distances with each person following a dream that allows them to be happy until life presents another challenge –that’s what life is about folks, CHALLENGES and how you rise above them! This would never have happened a century ago.

Which is where the weighing comes in…we are more able to make individual choices without being judged, by the other or by society. We are able to discuss equally what each other’s dreams are and what our needs and wants are at that particular moment in time and whether or not your relationship can stand the test. If it can stand the test, is your selfishness now going to be selflessness later?

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