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Our clients care about the locality of their food

Eating for you!

Updated: Aug 6, 2018

Diet. Discipline. Exercise.

Diet has become such a tiresome little word.

It is used as a marketing scheme to suck money from your pocket. Every 'new' diet promises something we all think we need – from losing 10 pounds in a week to firmer, clearer skin in a matter of days, flatter firmer butt and all from drinking a couple of shakes a day. Honey, life is way too short to be drinking chalky, tasteless, thick drinks in place of deliciously prepared foods.

Instead of going ‘on a diet’, it is much more feasible to listen to your body and understand what your personal daily diet should be.

1. Be HONEST with yourself! Most people eat more than they think on a daily basis, as well as consume a poor selection of products. Write down everything that you eat every day, for just one week – even tidbits – like the little chocolates you took from a candy bowl (what?). You will be shocked by how many unwanted #calories you consumed. Start a new discipline and eat only what you need, not what you want!

2. Convenience is the primary reason why so many of us choose to dine on processed foods rather than prepare them ourselves. But it is a modern society and often times, time is of the essence. Restaurants are a business – bottom line. Very few concepts are interested in your health. So, research the selections at restaurants. Find out how the items were made. Are they purchased ready done? Were they made fresh and on site? It’s your body, ask your questions. Too busy? Consider hiring a #personalchef to make your #meals. Then you have total control over your food choices.

3. Learn how to LISTEN to your body! Love a cheese sandwich? A juicy steak? Strawberry milkshakes? Do you feel tremendously bloated, gassy, nauseated, tired, irritable? Eliminate those foods for a couple of weeks. You can do it! Now, add them back to your diet. Is there a difference?

4. Water. Water. Water. There are a lot of sports and power drinks out there as well. But unless you are out there burning calories like crazy and losing essential electrolytes in the process, #water is a much better option for you. Walking the dog around the park should not necessitate a power drink.

5. Learn to eat properly. Take a moment for yourself. Take the time to have a hearty #breakfast or #lunch that will fuel your day. Punctuate with small meals, drink plenty of water, fresh fruit and vegetables if you can, and leave out most processed foods.

6. Exercise. Figure out what you like and keep doing it. Choose your poison, don't do what everybody else is doing, just because it is the 'in' thing. The beauty about exercise is that when your brain and body agree to like it, you automatically will want to do more.

Get Inspired!

* Adapted from Made For Men Magazine

IG: @mfmmag

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