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Our clients care about the locality of their food

A Basket full of Produce

Updated: Aug 6, 2018

It is a wonderful problem to happen upon a surplus of produce. But what do you do with it?

Each season usually brings a bounty of produce. Fall brings squashes, pumpkins, apples. Winter does its part with garlic, cabbages, asparagus. Springs offers up lettuces, peas and greens. And Summer, Summer brings the mother lode of fruits and vegetables.

When you visit your farmers market you will probably hit upon a great deal, especially if you get to know your farmers. Visit your market near the end (many farmers will prefer to sell produce at a cheaper price than to return home with product which may rot), and walk with cash. What to do with your haul?

Individually Freeze. Wash, trim, cut, blanche, if needed. Space on a sheet tray, freeze. Package into bags and keep frozen. Do this with sturdy vegetables like winter squashes, cauliflower and broccoli. Blackberries, raspberries, strawberries also work well. Use in fruit waters.

Freeze Juice/Pulp. Make ice cubes for smoothies. Bruised tomatoes make excellent juice for Bloody Mary’s.

Make Sorbets. Super ripe fruit? Remove any blemishes, cut into chunks, if needed. Blend with honey and herbs. Strain. Freeze. Enjoy. Peach Sorbet with Lemon Verbena. Strawberry Ice Cream Cake

Make fruit juices. Cherry season is an excellent time for this. Coming on to the end of the season, farmers usually have to deal with a bumper crop and they spoil so easily. Cherry juice is great for gout sufferers.

Bake. No better time for juicy cobblers and crumbles. No pie crusts needed! Blueberry Cardamom and Almond Crumble. Peach Crumble with Oatmeal and Cinnamon.

Dehydrate. This is an endless list. Try anything. Play around if you have a dehydrator.

Any fruit is fab. (cherries take a long time, blueberries too). Strawberries, apricots, peaches, pears!

Zest citrus first, dry, pulverize some of it and use to season fish, stews, add to salads, sausages.

Slice/segment pulp. Use in morning oatmeal, snack, add to granolas.

Make Sauces/Condiments/Oils. Tomatoes. Herbs. Peppers. Make a lovely hot pepper sauce or a pesto.

Can/Pickle/Ferment. Run wild with your imagination! Kimchi and Sauerkraut, Bread and Butter Pickles, Spicy Green Beans.

What do you do after you have made all this food? Share it, of course!

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